Welcome to Second Grade!
The curriculum in second grade is based on Diocesan guidelines and California State Standards. These are some of the topics we cover:
Science - Our textbook, California Science, covers four main areas, Life Cycles, Earth's Resources, Motion and Forces, Magnets and Sound.
Religion - Sadlier, We Believe Series - As we begin each chapter, we gather in prayer.
Creating an environment for catechesis in the classroom begins with me. I'm open, honest and try to be an example to the children of how a follower of Jesus listens and shares. I also focus on preparing the children for Reconciliation. www.webelieveweb.com
Math - California Mathematics - The addition and subtraction of two- and three-digits are introduced. REGROUPING is the main emphasis for second grade.
Social Studies - People Together - We take a look at our world, our Earth, discovering our past, and a working world. We explore family ancestry, the early beginnings.
Reading - Open Court - This is a literature-based textbook. It is divided into three units:
Sharing Stories, Kindness, and Look Again. The children really enjoy the stories.
Phonics - I teach a phonics lesson every day. This instruction ensures improvement in word fluency.
Field trips - I usually try to include two to three activities each year: one to the zoo, a special trip just for second graders, something related to Fine Arts, and one to enrich our science program.
I always end the year with a family fishing picnic at the lake. We all have such a great time trying to catch the big one!
I look forward to working with you and teaching your child this school year.
Ms.Toni Mazzara