About St. Martin of Tours
History of St. Martin of Tours
Founded September 1951, St. Martin of Tours Academy is a Catholic parish elementary school, K-8, whose purpose is to provide students with moral and spiritual formation and a solid academic foundation. Faith, culture and life are brought into harmony through a curriculum and system of education that equips students with skills for lifelong learning. Each student is challenged to internalize values and prepare for life as a committed Christian who contributes to the needs for justice, love, and peace in the world.
Mission Statement
St. Martin of Tours Academy, in partnership with parents, is a Catholic parish elementary school that prepares students to be lifelong learners through a curriculum that has a strong moral, spiritual, and academic foundation. Students understand the need for peace and justice, and as responsible Catholics, are challenged to answer the call to service and become engaged citizens of the world.
Like all San Diego parish schools, the prescribed content and curriculum of St. Martin of Tours follows California State Standards and our San Diego diocesan school district curriculum requirements. What is unique about St. Martin Academy's is the system of learning created by Grace H. Pilon, SBS called Workshop Way®. Workshop Way is a philosophy and method of teaching designed to meet the educational and developmental needs of all children. Through Workshop Way, the required diocesan curriculum is organized and taught in a way that instills self-confidence, intelligence and a life-long love for learning in each student. St. Martin of Tours philosophy and goals are fully integrated with our instructional methods.

What Makes St. Martin of Tours Academy Catholic?
St. Martin of Tours Academy is committed to transmitting the Catholic Faith and values. Every teacher is a role-model for children. The Catholic faith and tradition permeates all instruction. Workshop Way® philosophy enhances the Catholicity of the school. The whole school environment promotes a child's spiritual growth.
- Diocesan religion certification for teachers, in addition to a Workshop Way religion class
- Religion instruction on a daily basis (30-40 minutes)
- Instruction including the learning of Catholic traditions, prayers, etc...
- Review religion curriculum and materials as part of the evaluation process
- Religious values integrated into every subject area
- Daily classroom prayer
- Classroom prayer services
- Monthly school Masses
- Emphasis on family participation in Sunday parish liturgies (use of "gospel weeklies" for student preparation)
- Sacrament of Reconciliation (Advent and Lent)
- Retreats for seventh and eighth graders
- All aspects of the philosophy of Workshop Way reinforce and teach Catholic values (i.e., dignity, respect, justice, etc...)
- Community outreach (monthly visits to convalescent homes, food collections for parish food assistance, Holy Childhood Mission collections, etc...)
- Strong emphasis on social justice in all instruction and school activities
- Parish involvement promoted through newsletters, calendars, and all communication with parents and children
Preparation for Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Why choose St. Martin of Tours Academy?
St. Martin of Tours Academy (K-8) is fully accredited by both Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA). Preschool is available for children ages 3-5. Choosing a Catholic education gives your child(ren) advantages for life. Among the benefits: daily religious instruction and prayer, participation in liturgies and sacraments, and an emphasis on moral values and spiritual development integrated throughout the curriculum.
Children have a right to grow to the fullest of their potential in an atmosphere of utmost reverence and respect. St. Martin Academy's environment facilitates the learning process, blending academic achievement with a Christian perspective on life and an understanding of human nature.
With a student-centered orientation, teachers work in close communication with parents to strive toward the development of the whole child with an emphasis on self-esteem, confidence and motivation to be life long learners. To this end, we employ a process ensuring all students have equal opportunities to develop higher-level thinking skills, to learn, and to make responsible decisions.
St. Martin of Tours Academy believes that:
- each person is unique and has his/her own timing and way for learning
- mistakes are an inevitable part of being human and are not a reflection of one's intelligence
- children, by nature, have an innate love for learning and that classrooms must be "labs" for learning so as to stimulate their intellectual curiosity
- daily opportunities for logical, critical, and creative thinking must be afforded to students for learning subject matter and for responsible decision making for future living
- an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect in the classrooms is essential for mental and emotional security for students
- a noncompetitive, cooperative, safe atmosphere will convey God's acceptance and unconditional love for the uniqueness of each individual
- experiencing justice in the classroom will lead students to seek justice in the world and to respond to the needs of others now and in the future
For more information about the Workshop Way philosophy, please visit www.workshopway.org.
Life Skills
As applied in the classroom
St. Martin Academy teaches life skills along with class curriculum such as:
- habit of reflection, prayer, expressions of gratitude (journaling)
- good manners, politeness (using words: "please", "thank you", "excuse me")
- helping out those who need assistance
- to include, (and never exclude), others in activities, games, etc.
- acceptance of another's opinion, response, etc. (no laughing at mistakes)
- focus on assigned task / awareness (meta-cognition)
- waiting to be called on without interrupting and/or shouting out
- willingness to risk and to be actively involved in learning activities
- listening to the one speaking, (teacher or peer), without hand up, interrupting
- response to direction, one & two bells ("stop-power")
- coming to class each day with required supplies (paper, pencils, etc.)
- keeping class materials together, organized and in correct place
- remembering to take home items needed at end of day
- remembering assignments, supplies needed, and other tasks
- taking care of textbooks (covered), library books, reference and other materials
- sharing responsibility for upkeep of classroom, desk, shelves, etc.
- carefulness / neatness / organization in preparation of papers, writing, headings, etc.
- resourcefulness in regard to finding necessary materials, beginning tasks, etc.
- ability to evaluate own work, follow rubrics, find and correct mistakes
- taking care of all school areas /property (restrooms, play and lunch areas, walkways)
- taking care of personal property (jackets, lunch containers, back packs, etc.)
WCEA/WASC Accreditation
The school undergoes an evaluation and visit from Western Association of Colleges every three-six years. The school has received the highest possible ranking, with a full six year term through June 30, 2011. There is ongoing follow-up on recommendations made by each visiting committee.
Fully Accredited for grades Kindergarten through Eighth Grade by the Schools Commission of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Accrediting Commission for Schools
533 Airport Blvd., Suite 200
Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: (650) 696-1060
Fully Accredited by the Western Catholic Education Association
School Facts
Founded: 1951
Administrators: Rev. James N. Poulsen, Pastor
Mrs. Antoinette Dimuzio, Principal
Grades: Preschool, Kindergarten (full day), and 1st through 8th grades
Accreditation: fully accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges, and certified by Western Catholic Educational Association
Enrollment: Preschool = 45 students; 12 students per class
Grades K-8 = 270 students; average class size = 30
Staff: teachers are credentialed by the State of California and, in addition, are certified for Workshop Way instructional strategies; instructional assistants to teachers in K-3
Curriculum: comprehensive curriculum, following State and Diocesan guidelines for instruction in religion, language arts, mathematics, social studies, fine arts, physical education, computer science, and Spanish (offered at 7-8 grade levels)
Facilities: Preschool complex, 9 classrooms, Library Computer Center, science lab, day care building, field, basketball/volleyball courts, multiple playground areas, shaded lunch area, volunteer work room
School Hours: Grades K-8, 7:55 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Day Care: before school 7:00 a.m. - 7:55 a.m., and then in the afternoon 2:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Lunch Break: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; hot lunch is available daily through La Mesa Spring Valley School District or students can bring lunch
School Uniforms/Dress Code: uniforms are required; refer to Dress Code policy
Immunizations: all immunizations must be current, and an immunization card must be presented upon enrollment.
Fundraisers: all families are asked to support the fundraisers; proceeds from fundraisers enable the school to keep tuition rates to a minimum; there are four primary fundraisers each year (Bingo every Wednesday, Scrip & EScrip program, Big 10, and Walkathon)